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Booked Ticket History
S.N. Reference No. Status Product EmailId Phone Travel Date Pax Name Total Price Booking Date
1 {{booking.BookingID}} {{booking.BookingStatus}} Flight {{booking.EmailID}} {{booking.PhoneNo}} {{booking.TravelDate | date}} {{booking.FName}} {{booking.LName}} $ {{booking.TotAmt}} {{booking.BookingDateTime | date}}

Reservation Code- Please type your Reservation Code in the field provided. The Reservation Code is the 6 character code that you receive when you complete your booking request through the website. You should receive this Reservation Code either as an email confirmation (when you complete your reservation) or as a printed copy of the notification Screen. If you do not have your Reservation Code, you either provided us the wrong email address or you do not have a booking with us.

Email Address- Please type your email address into the Email Address field provided. In order to pull up your reservation information, you need to type in the same email address that you used while completing the booking procedure through the website. This email address is an important form of communication between you and the travel support center

Visas and passport requirements- Each country has its own Visa and Passport requirements. It is up to each individual to determine the Visa and Passport requirements for the country they will be visiting. For questions related to your Visa and Passport requirements, please contact our customer support at 1-888-471-1905 or visit the Visa Passport Express site.